Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 32 Marugame: Almost Miracle

another gReat week spent as a laborer in the lord's vinEyard!
this week has been quite a crAzy week, full of ups and Downs and all
sorts of things. but something really funnY that happened was when we
went and visited a couple recent cOnverts who have been falling away
and second guessing their commitment they made at baptism. it has
gotten to the point where they are wanting their names removed from
the chUrch. they have been feeling ashamed of some mistakes that they
have made Regarding the word of wiSdom so they just don't fEel worthy
to be members of the church. so lately we have been just trying so
hard to help them feel the love and support from the branch and we
have been hoping that we can heLp them realize that they are not
expected to be perFect, but just to try their best. so we were out at
their apartment trying to visit them but before we knocked we stopped
and prayed for a miracle. then we went and knocked but they Were not
answering the door so we felt like we should leave and come back in
about 10 minutes. we left and came back and tried again this time
someone answered the door, it was their roommate. he opened the door
and told us that they had not yet returned home. but then right at
that moment a van pulled into the driveway and their roommate looked
and said oh wait that's them. we were so Happy that we decided to waIt
and come back, it was the miracle that we were looking for, now we can
finalLy talk to all of them all together and welcome them back to the
church. this is what we wERe thinking as we hustled out to meet them
as they got out of their van, but as soon as we turned the corner out
into the parking arEA the van stopped. we waveD at them and suddenly
the van screeched out back onto the road and tore off down the street.
me and elder anderson stood there for a second in the now empty
parking lot and just trIed to process what happened. it turns out that
it wasN't quite the miracle that we thought, but that's just how it
Goes sometimes. we were actually able to meet them a little later in
the week with some members and have a good talk with them helping them
know that this gospel was not made for people who are perfect and
never make any mistakes in THEir live. this church is for people who
are imperfect and want to be better and can be better through the
atoning blood of jesuS Christ. he said that he will tRy to make it to
church next week and that he will do his best. i truly love the way
that this gospel works. it truly does work to heal broken hearts and
broken people through christ. i am so grateful for my savior and his
love and the fact that even though i have weaknesses and make mIstakes
daily i can come unto christ and be strengthened in his love. i am so
grateful for the blessing it is to share that love and be able to
witness the joy that it brings to others. this gosPel is the Truest
thing on earth and i love it! thank you all so much for supporting me
in spreading it. i love you all so mUch! i hope that you all have a
gReat wEek! See ya next week,


P-Day Hike
Representing the "Kobe" Japan Mission with my proselyting bag

Our District

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