Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 78 Sennan: 3人 Zone Leader Dendo Squad


This week was fantastic! Since we combined companionships with the  Zone Leaders we have had to go back and forth from their area to ours and so it has been pretty busy. I don't think that we have had time to eat dinner that wasn't a meal appointment once in the last two weeks, but man it has been the greatest couple weeks of my mission.

We had a mission conference with a member of the Area Presidency and learned so much about being better teachers and how to more effectively lead our investigators unto Christ. We have been having some amazing lessons ever since that conference as we have done our best to implement the things that we have learned. And we have been having just tons of lessons in both areas which means that we have been having to split with members all of the time. I am so grateful for the members and their willingness to help us and to go out and teach and share the Gospel and their testimonies with us as we have been kind of all of the place these last couple weeks.

We are seeing many miracles as we do our best to be the voice of the Good Shepherd calling His sheep to come unto Him. I know that as we continue to trust the Lord and to teach from the scriptures and by the Spirit, we will find those who recognize His voice and follow him. Another thing that I have been loving lately is the amount of member help we have seen and received as we have sought people to help us do splits to cover both Wakayama and Sennan. Just the other day I was on a split with Kanata Kyoudai in Sennan as Elder Cotterall and Elder Dahl went to Wakayama together for a lesson. Kanata Kyoudai and I went and visited a family that hadn't been to church in 20 years and were inactive. We got there and they were way excited to see the member and let us right in. We later found out that the Sister missionaries had just visited them earlier that day but they weren't let in, and the only reason we were let in was because there was a member there with us. We had a great talk with them about their conversion and at one point the conversation got quiet for a moment and the Father was looking down at the ground and then says that he has actually been thinking about coming back to church recently. Immediately the Spirit flooded the room and Kanata Kyoudai encourages to come back because everyone will immediately welcome them back. I then shared 3 Nephi 9:14-15 and we testified to them and ended with a prayer. It was an awesome experience. And as we were leaving the Father was telling us how grateful he is for our visit and asked us to please come again. I love seeing what great miracles are brought to pass when members assist in the work. I know for sure that we would have never been able to get in and have such a great lesson with them if it hadn't' have been for Kanata Kyoudai. I love the members here in Japan and I know that with us working together with them we will see miracles in the work. I love you all and am so grateful for your support and love as well. Have a great week!


Elder Allred

We had a very traditional Japanese meal with some members the other day. おいしかった

This is an awesome family in our ward who we taught the other day.
Their children are adorable!

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